Resilience: Women in Flagstaff's Past and Present
Martin-Springer Institute

The Martin-Springer Institute is a leading institution in Arizona committed to learning from the past and engaging with the present. Its educational programs are based on the principles of intercultural understanding and dialogue.
The Institute was founded in 2000 and is located at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. The Institute’s mission is to attend to the experiences of the Holocaust in order to relate them to today’s concerns, crises, and conflicts. Its programs promote the values of moral courage, tolerance, empathy, reconciliation, and justice.
Ralph and Doris Martin founded the Institute to raise awareness of human rights through Holocaust remembrance and education. Doris Martin (née Szpringer of BÄ™dzin, Poland) survived the Holocaust.
Under the leadership of Dr. Björn Krondorfer since 2012, the Martin-Springer Institute offers a variety of educational programs for students and the community at large. For more information